Experience the beauty of Tanzania

Experience the thrill of mountain climbing & Unforgettable tours/Safaris in Tanzania

6-DAYS WILDBEEST MIGRATION SAFARI IN JUNE AT SERENGETI NATIONAL PARK-TANZANIA.Tarangire-Serengeti national park-Ngorogoro conservation area




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Visiting Serengeti National Park, where millions of wildebeest are migrating across the Serengeti Plain, is an unforgettable and fascinating experience. In Western Serengeti, we will spend six days traveling along the route of the Great Migration. By June, the concentration of the herd animals will be here as the largest animal migration in the world continues to proceed clockwise with the assistance of knowledgeable tour guides from Jambo Tours Experience. We will pick you up in Arusha and drive you first to Tarangire National Park, which is renowned for its sizable elephant population and its characteristic baobab tree scenery.

From there, we’ll transport you to the Western Serengeti and then the Central Serengeti, two of this most famous park’s regions. Hundreds of thousands of zebra, wildebeest, and Cape buffalo assemble to cross the crocodile-infested Grumeti River. You will learn something new every day from the knowledgeable tour guides of Africantanza expreditioners. Even more so than their safari, the Great Migration, the largest wildlife migration in the world, is frequently the highlight of peoples’ lives. Then, on the way back from the Serengeti, you’ll pass through the stunning Ngorongoro conservation area. Tanzania’s sights will live long in your memory thanks to Africantanza expeditioners.

From there, we’ll take you to Central Serengeti and then the western portion of this most well-known park. Thousands of zebra, wildebeest, and Cape buffalo gather to cross the Grumeti River, full of crocodiles. Each day will bring something new, all explained to you by professional tour guides of Africantanza expeditioners guide . The Great Migration, the world’s biggest movement of animals, is often the highlight of people’s lives, never mind the highlight of their safari! Then you will be taken back from Serengeti via Ngorongoro conservation area where you will enjoy beautifully scenery. You will never forget the attractions of Tanzania with Africantanza expeditioners.


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