Saadani national park

Saadani (1,062 sq km) is the only National Park in East Africa where you can be enjoying wildlife at one moment, including big game species such as elephant, buffalo, lion, giraffe, roan etc. and then the next be walking along a sandy beach and swimming in the surf of the Indian Ocean. There are about 8 km of sea front and of these at least 3 km are unspoilt beaches. The undisturbed nature of the beaches makes it a favourite place for green turtles to lay their eggs and this beach is the most important breeding site for turtles in all of Tanzania.The terrain is mostly flat but with a wide variety of vegetation types, including broad leafed woodlands (Miombo), extensive areas of open plains with scattered trees, dense riparian vegetation and mangroves. There are palm trees along parts of the coastal beaches.The Wami River meanders slowly through mangrove forests in the southern part and can be enjoyed by boat or canoe. Both hippo and crocodiles are found here, as well as hosts of different bird species.Saadani is warm and humid throughout the year, but enjoys onshore trade wind breezes for most of the year.


Wildlife is abundant and varied, with the amount of wildlife being seen increasing since the area became a National park. Species include giraffe, buffalo, warthog, common waterbuck, reedbuck, hartebeest, wildebeest, red duiker, greater kudu, eland, sable antelope, yellow baboon and velvet monkey. Herds of up to 30 elephants are encountered with increasing frequency, and several lion prides are present, together with leopard, spotted hyena and black-backed jackal. Bird life is in fact spectacular everywhere because not only are there woodland, river, mangrove and plains species, but also sea birds and waders along the beaches and shore line.

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