Rumanyika national park

Rumanyika-Karagwe was gazetted as a National Park in 2019. It covers an area of 247 sq km. and is a wild and beautiful area with great opportunities for photographic tourism. It has a temperate climate but with considerable temperature variation depending on elevation.The dry season is from June to October and the remainder of the year there can be rain with some of it very heavy with up to 1,300 mm in the west parts of the Park. However, much of the Park is well drained and so most parts are accessible all year round.The essential core of the area is quite a deep valley with a slow winding river at its base which breaks up into lakes and swamps. The lower slopes of the valley are a mosaic of tall grass savanna and forested patches and thick bush. The higher slopes of many of the hills have montane forest. The Acacia tall grass woodlands are spacious and attractive and are kept relatively open by managed seasonal fires.


There are no extensive game viewing tracks as yet but when established one will be able to enjoy a variety of wildlife such as buffalo, sitatunga, waterbuck, leopard, duiker, monkeys and baboons, elephants and a great variety of birds.

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