Mkomazi national park

Mkomazi is located in the north east of Tanzania where it shares a boundary with Tsavo National Park. It was established as a National Park in 2006. It is 3,230 sq km in area..It is a place to enjoy wildlife in remote, wild, thorn bush country with open plains in places. The scenery is magnificent. Enormous baobabs dot the landscape and there are distant vistas with mountains near and far on its borders. Mount Kilimanjaro is easily visible from all parts of the Park.


Being far from the more visited safari circuits you are likely to be watching wildlife there by yourself, unhurried and with time to soak up the ambience of wild Africa.Mkomazi used to be prime habitat for Black Rhino, and there is a re-introduction scheme there where you can and watch these exciting mammals in their natural surroundings. The rare Cape Hunting Dog is also being re-introduced and you can get permission to watch these fascinating animals as well, some of which have been re-introduced to the wild.Besides the commoner big game species such as elephant, buffalo, giraffe and plains game, and ofcourse the big cats, you will also find unusual antelope such as oryx, gerenuk and lesser kudu. Gerenuk, known as giraffe antelope in Swahili, are elegant medium sized gazelles with a long neck that enable them to reach high into thorn bush to browse. They even stand up on their hind legs to reach yet higher. Such details of nature are why you visit Mkomazi.

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